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Core Series
IC2944 Running Chicken Nebula Core in Narrowband SHO Foraxx
Eta Carinae Inner Core in Narrowband HOS Foraxx
IC 2948 Core of the Running Chicken Nebula in SHO Foraxx
Eta Carinae Outer Core Filamentary in Narrowband HOS Foraxx
The Rosette Nebula in Narrowband OHS
NGC 6188 Dragons of Ara Core in Narrowband SHO
NGC 2070 Tarantula Nebula in Narrowband Starless (SHO)
Pillars of Creation in the Core of the Eagle Nebula (M16)
Core of the Rosette Nebula (NGC 2239)
Core of the Lagoon Nebula (Messier 8)
Core of IC 2944 the Running Chicken Nebula
Core of Gum 37 and the Southern Tadpoles
Core of NGC 3372 the Carina Nebula
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